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E2E Benefits Solutions

E2E Benefits Services, Inc. specializes in employee benefits solutions which are designed for clients in virtually every industry category throughout the United States.

Our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals works closely with the client representative designing benefits programs, conducting on-site employee coverage meetings, serving as a resource to client employees, and working behind the scenes resolving benefits claims or claims related issues.

E2E can significantly reduce your company’s administrative burden and cost through our portfolio of employee benefits and services solutions.  E2E professionals have a wealth of experience and market knowledge to recommend the plans best suited for each partner organization and assist employees with benefits issues.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is complex, ever-changing, and can impose heavy penalties for non-compliant employers. The E2E 360° approach to client service, combining both HR/Payroll and benefits solutions, allows client to rely on our expertise and guidance to confidently ensure that their company is compliant.

E2E Benefits services include but may not be limited to:

Employee Benefits Administration

  • One Call Access
  • Shop benefits market for acceptable programs based on employer requirements
  • Provide a market analysis of available benefits programs
  • Provide a customized company needs analysis
  • Conduct on-site employee coverage meetings
  • Evaluate and provide assistance in selecting the most appropriate benefit programs
  • Track employee eligibility
  • Employee enrollment in insurance plans when eligible
  • Employee termination from insurance plans upon eligibility expiration
  • Act as an employee service center for questions and benefits issues
  • Coordinate services between employees and administrator

C.O.B.R.A. Administration (when applicable)

  • Contract with administrator to provide C.O.B.R.A. administration
  • Coordinate services between employees and administrator
  • Certification of Continued Coverage

State Continuation (when applicable)

  • Contract with administrator to provide State administration
  • Coordinate services between employees and administrator

PPACA - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

  • Unaffordable coverage employee premium exceeds 9.5% of compensation
  • Fulltime/Fulltime-Equivalent employees
  • Benefits costs for W-2 reporting
  • Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) posting

For PPACA Support, please CLICK HERE.